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General overview

All three methods are designed to reduce the reading difficulties of dyslexic learners. The Orton-Gillingham approach is the oldest of the three and the other two follow its principles but with specificities. For the moment, only the Orton Gillingham method is available in French, and the Lindamood-Bell method is only available in Lausanne and Geneva for French-speaking students.


Orton Gillingham 


The Orton-Gillingham approach was developed in the 1930s and is still recognized today as one of the most effective rehabilitation methods for dyslexia.

Dr. Samuel Orton had noticed that dyslexic learners had great difficulty learning to read and write according to "traditional" teaching methods that failed to overcome the barrier between oral and written language. Starting from the idea that the connection between the visual and auditory areas of the brain may be less strong in dyslexics, he created a teaching that integrates all the associative areas of the brain.

This is why reading instruction is multisensory in each of these three methods. This means that all senses are used in learning to establish a connection between sounds, letters and words.




Founded in 1986 by Nancy Bell and Patricia Lindamood, Lindamood-Bell is also a program for students with dyslexic disorders or people with reading difficulties. 

This program offers individual courses in these centres, most of which are in the United States, but also around the world, including one in Lausanne and one in Geneva.

Photo OG.jpg

Source: compilation of  YouTube videos ( fair use ) - if you want to remove content contact us at

Main objectives of the method

The main objectives of the three methods are the same, namely to reduce reading difficulties, ideally from 70 to 95%.

Specificities of the method

Multisensory teaching is done in particular in a kinesthetic (based on movement) and tactile (based on tactile sensations) way with the teaching of auditory and visual concepts. In the kinesthetic approach, for example, it is necessary to mimic writing in the air by tracing words written in large format while vocalising the names and sounds of letters.


The Orton-Gillingham (OG) approach

Orton-Gillingham is above all an approach and not a program. For the Barton and Lindamood-Bell programmes, teachers follow a manual that defines in advance the skills to be acquired in a specific order. OG is therefore more flexible and adapts to the person's needs. 

Parents can be trained to become teachers of the method through online courses at 


Lindamood-Bell (LB)

The LB program recommends teaching 5 times a week and 4 hours a day. The problem here is also that the program is only available in English-speaking countries and Switzerland. 



The program is only available in English. Apart from that, as with the OG method, one can become a teacher of this method through online courses. Thus the program is perfectly suited for parents who want to teach their children to read and write by themselves at home.

Who is this method for ?

OG: Although it was originally developed for individuals with dyslexia, it remains a recommended approach for anyone learning to read.


Lindamood-Bell is also useful for students with auditory processing disorders (APD) and dyscalculia.


Barton is particularly suitable for parents who want to teach their children by themselves or who find other methods too expensive.

What parents say about it

A long list of opinions in English on OG:


Lindamood-Bell: opinions are mixed because of the high prices



Scientific references

Un article ayant eu beaucoup de citations qui montre l'efficacité de Orton Gillingham :


Interventions en lecture pour les personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle et une déficience de développement : un examen

- Rose A.Sevcika, Andrea Barton

Any remarks or comments ?

This work is based on a collaborative approach to sharing research and family experience.

If you have any comments, suggestions for modifications or corrections or clarifications to make, please let us know by email at

Contact us

The Neuro Group

6 bd du Général Leclerc

92110 Clichy

Walt School

2 rue Dranem

75011 Paris

To be kept informed by email 


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