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Approaches  regulating the nervous system

Why ?

  • The body has a natural ability to regulate itself (homeostasis) which can be stimulated by certain interventions

  • Motor disorders lead to compensations that create tensions and asymmetries

  • Whole body approaches can be complementary to more targeted body approaches 

How? 'Or' What ?

  • Release nervous or muscular tensions or the skeletal organization that obstruct movement  

  • Work on the organization of the body as a whole

  • Restore harmony between the different parts of the body such as muscles, bones, joints

  • Allow the body to self-regulate

  • Use less effort or energy to perform an action

What approaches?

  1. Osteopathy, fasciatherapy, craniosacral therapy, Bowen

  2. Chiropractic

  3. Auriculotherapy, acupuncture

  4. Massage, Tui Na, Kabat, Niromathé, Dermo Neuro Modulation (DNM)

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