(TDCS, Halo Neuro)
General overview
Transcranial direct current stimulation (TDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique based on the use of a weak electric field induced through two electrodes to modify the excitability of the brain.
Main objectives of the method
Treating certain neuronal disorders related to abnormal brain activity
Optimize brain activity by normalizing brain frequencies
Stimulate cerebral plasticity (especially in adults), to reinforce the effectiveness of sessions based on other methods, to accelerate the integration of learning.
Reinforce the activity of certain neuronal circuits
Specificities of the method
A helmet is placed on the scalp. A weak electric current passes through these electrodes. This is painless, but may cause a little tingling or itching. The method can be practiced in a clinic, although few practitioners practice it in France.
The action of this method is often of short duration, but the idea is to stimulate the brain in order to increase brain plasticity to improve the learning potential in the hours that follow, thus increasing the effectiveness of other more traditional methods such as a physiotherapy session.
Sessions of 20/30min are spread over several days a week, over several weeks.
There are now helmets for the general public such as Halo Neuro which targets the motor cortex and helps to stimulate cerebral plasticity before a training session, for example for sportsmen, musicians...
Who is this method for ?
Used to increase cerebral plasticity in patients with motor disorders, cerebral palsy, hemiplegia and in patients suffering from Alzheimer's, depression, schizophrenia, memory disorders, aphasia, tinnitus, language disorders, chronic pain.
Contraindications :
Patients prone to epilepsy;
patients with severe head trauma;
wearing a pacemaker, a cardiac defibrillator, all kinds of metal prostheses.
What parents say about it
"After three days, the symptoms returned. I'm still using it. It's been a month. »
"For me, anxiety leads to stress, which turns into depression. CSDD really reduces my dark thoughts. »
"Symptoms returned after a week without use. »
Scientific references
The sertraline versus electrical current therapy for treating depression clinical study (select-tDCS): results of the crossover and follow-up phases
"Protocols for continued treatment with tDCS should be optimized to prevent relapse in patients who respond to tDCS therapy, particularly in patients with depression resistant to baseline therapy. »
Shaping the Optimal Repetition Interval for Cathodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
The results of this study provide the first neurophysiological evidence that 1) fractionation of cathodic tDCS is appropriate for prolonging its inhibitory neuroplastic effects and 2) the timing of repeat intervals is important for optimizing cumulative effects. CSDT is increasingly being used for therapeutic purposes, with promising initial results in the treatment of pain, stroke motor rehabilitation and epilepsy therapy, among others (Fregni et al. 2005, 2006a,b,c, Hummel et al. 2005).
To know more about the topic
Information sites
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